1 - 27 OCTOBER 2021
Eleanor's work is featured in this new exhibition at Sarah Myerscough Gallery, which showcases natural materials in contemporary art and design.
"Outside In presents exceptional works of crafted art and design by international artist - designer - makers who define their practice through their ethical and emotional decisions to use organic, sustainable materials. These ancient materials; wood, willow, and grasses, are reimagined for the contemporary world as the makers express their devotion, both political and personal, to the natural world.
Sarah Myerscough conjures a vision of future interiors grounded in material choice and sustainability, and elevated by beauty and innovation. The palpable affiliation the artists have with their materials urges us to engage more deeply with the organic world around us.
While we look to increasingly digital and urban futures, this exhibition speaks to our innate desire for connection to the wild world our ancestors rose from, and allows us, in whatever small way, to bring that little remembered, now seldom touched, Outside, In."
Featured artists include: Julian Watts, Peter Marigold, Marcin Rusak, Ernst Gamperl, Lizzie Farey, Max Bainbridge, Cristian Mohaded, Diana Scherer, Caroline Sharp, Wycliffe Stutchbury, Maisie Broadhead, Angela Damman, Christian Burchard, Katrien Doms, Joe Hogan, Tim Johnson, Mami Kato, Eleanor Lakelin, Sophie Rowley, Marc Ricourt, and Michael Peterson.
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